RES: Results ============ The **Results** panel is where the user can review the results of an analysis. Currently, the results post-processor supports output from the following applications: .. contents:: :local: Pelicun Damage and Loss ----------------------- :numref:`fig-R2DRESPanel` shows the results panel for the **Pelicun Damage and Loss** application. The results panel is comprised of several docking windows that can be moved, rearranged, resized, and opened and closed by the user. The results panel contains these main docks: #. **Regional Map Dock:** Geographic map of the region. The assets are colored according to their loss ratio. Clicking on an asset will produce a popup showing the detailed information of that asset. #. **Analysis Summary Dock:** A high-level summary of the aggregated losses, repair times, and casualties over a region. #. **Charts Dock:** Graphical representation of the results in three charts: #. *Casualties:* Bar chart showing the casualties in a region accross four casualty severity levels; with 1 being the least severe and 4 being the most severe level. #. *Economic Losses:* Bar chart providing the losses in a region according to damage states, *DS*, where *DS* = 1..4, and where *DS* =1 is the least severe and *DS* = 4 is the most severe damage state. Moreover, the losses are grouped into losses resulting from damage to structural components, damage to non-structural drift sensitive components, and damage to non-structural acceleration sensitive components. #. *Relative Frequency Diagram of the Losses:* Line chart of the relative frequency diagram of the total losses of each building. To switch between the charts, the user can click on the **Chart Selection Tabs** shown in :numref:`fig-R2DRESPanel` #. **Detailed Building Results Dock:** Table showing the detailed building results. For each building, the table provides the: - Asset ID - Repair Cost - Repair Time - Probability of Replacement - Fatalities - Loss Ratio The **Table Sort** combo box, shown in :numref:`fig-R2DRESPanel`, sorts the table in descending order according to the selected filter, e.g., repair cost. By default, the results are displayed for all buildings in an analysis. The **Subset Selection** box allows the user to specify a subset of buildings for which the results will be displayed. A range of buildings is specified with a dash, and multiple buildings are separated with a comma, e.g., 2-8, 9, 13, 15, 21, 34-38. When the **Select** button is pressed, only the buildings that are specified in the **Building Selection** box are post-processed and shown in the results. The **Export to PDF** file box and button allows for the creation of a PDF containing the regional summary, charts, and building results table for future reference. The user can specify the folder to which to save the results by pressing on the **Browse** button. By default, the file will be saved as ``Results.pdf``. Clicking on the **Export to PDF** button creates the PDF in the specified folder. .. _fig-R2DRESPanel: .. figure:: figures/R2DRESPanel.png :align: center :figclass: align-center Pelicun results visualization panel.